20 safety tips for the new school year

August 18, 2015
As the new school year begins, the University of Louisville Police Department reminds faculty, staff and students that there are plenty of simple actions everyone can take to reduce chances of being the victim of a crime.
  1. Use the L-Trail
  2. Sign up for the Rave Guardian Safety App
  3. If you see something, say something (call the University Police at 852-6111 for suspicious activity)
  4. Call 911 for all emergencies needing police, fire or EMS
  5. Lock your vehicle
  6. Don’t leave items in view in your vehicle
  7. Store items left in the vehicle in the trunk
  8. Lock your housing unit’s doors and windows
  9. Know who is at the door before opening your door
  10. Lock your bicycle with good lock such as a “U” lock
  11. Do not meet unknown people on and off campus to purchase or retrieve items
  12. Always maintain control of your backpack, laptop and cell phone
  13. Stop and look before crossing any street
  14. Don’t be so consumed with your cell phone or music that you are not aware of your surroundings
  15. Walk in groups or pairs
  16. Use the shuttle system
  17. Use escorts; these are available between dusk and dawn
  18. If you’re riding a bicycle, act like you are driving a vehicle and obey all traffic laws
  19. If you’re driving a vehicle, look for pedestrians and bicycles, and
  20. Remember that alcohol and drugs impair your system, leaving you open to be a crime victim or an impaired driver.