2014 Writing Symposium to Emphasize Search and Discovery
Students are invited to share the ways writing has influenced the practice of search and discovery at the 2014 Symposium on Student Writing. March 18, 2014“All writers search and discover as they uncover what it is they want to say. In the 2014 Symposium, we want to showcase all of the ways in which students use writing as a tool to search and discover,” said Hollye Wright, assistant director of composition and organizer of the symposium.
The event, held 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. March 26 at the Ekstrom Library Learning Commons, has expanded from previous years and will include poster presentations and oral presentations as well as readings of the students’ creative writings. All types of projects are welcome and instructors are encouraged to design assignments around the requirements of their class.
The event is sponsored by the University of Louisville’s Composition Program and Ekstrom Library Learning Commons.
For more information call 852-5919 or see http://louisville.edu/english/composition