Ali Shuffle run/walk to help students travel abroad

NULL March 7, 2012

LOUISVILLE, Ky. —Legendary boxer Muhammad Ali made famous the Ali Shuffle, a quick foot maneuver he used to baffle his opponents.

On April 14 the Muhammad Ali Institute at the University of Louisville will have its own version of the Ali Shuffle, a 10 K Run/Walk starting at Ali’s old elementary school that will pass by his childhood home and other landmarks in his life before it ends at the Muhammad Ali Center, 144 N. Sixth St.

Called the “Ali Shuffle: Connecting Communities One Step at a Time,” the event is a fundraiser for the university’s Ali Scholars who plan to go to West Africa and Belize this summer to learn about community work. The event also is a way for people to raise money for their own charitable causes and to get involved as volunteers.

“This run/walk is significant because the Ali Institute wants to connect communities that are often not included in this type of an event,” said associate director Stacy Bailey-Ndiaye. “We are inviting people from all across the city to participate.”

The $20 participation fee includes a T-shirt. Participants can register online with (a $3.25 convenience fee will be added) or request a paper registration form at Deadline is April 9.

People who want to raise money for another cause also can get an application for that and learn more at Deadline for that is March 9.

Anyone who wants to volunteer to work the Ali Shuffle can send an email to

For more information, call the Ali Institute at 502-852-6372.