‘Ali’s Louisville’ workshop seeks ideas, people to act on them

A more compassionate city is the goal March 1, 2013

LOUISVILLE, Ky. — The Ali Institute for Peace and Justice at the University of Louisville will have a community workshop Wednesday, March 20, to generate plans to help Louisville become the nation’s most compassionate city.

“Ali’s Louisville? Making a Compassionate City” has behind it the notion that while Louisville claims Muhammad Ali as its iconic son and global figure of compassion, would Ali claim his hometown as a compassionate city?

Organizers hope to draw a diverse group of about 100 people who normally might not be at the same table — downtown developers, young people, theologians, teachers, block watch captains, city officials — to discuss practical components of compassionate government, education, economic development, infrastructure, transportation, housing, health, etc. The group will develop action items and then commit to helping to implement them.

The workshop will be from 4:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. at Hotel Louisville, 120 W. Broadway. A light supper will be served so participants are asked to RSVP to maforb01@louisville.edu or 502-852-1493.

Workshop co-sponsors include the Muhammad Ali Center; The Partnership for a Compassionate Louisville; the Office of Louisville Mayor Greg Fischer; The Center for Health Equity; and UofL’s Peace, Justice and Conflict Transformation Studies program.

For more information, contact Stacy Bailey-Ndiaye, director of the Ali Institute, at 502-852-0058 or by email to sbbail01@louisville.edu.