A&S All Stars series kicks off before Saturday kickoffs

August 31, 2015

The gridiron isn’t the only place to savor University of Louisville’s prowess on Saturdays this fall. UofL’s College of Arts and Sciences will resume free game-day educational programs featuring the academic expertise of its own “A&S All Stars.”

Organizers hope football fans will kick off their home-game Saturdays at the 10 a.m. events in Gheens Science Hall and Rauch Planetarium, which co-sponsors the series of presentations and refreshments. Doors open at 9:30 a.m. Although the talks are free, registration is recommended at uofl.me/as-allstars2015. Here’s the fall A&S All Stars lineup: Sept. 12 – “Ancient Louisville: 10,000 Years of Forgotten History at the Falls of the Ohio” with John Hale, archaeologist and UofL Liberal Studies Project director (UofL vs. Houston). Sept. 26 – “Screaming Fans and YouTube Sensations: Tween Girls and Popular Music” with Diane Pecknold, women’s and gender studies associate professor (UofL vs. Samford). Oct. 24 – “Going Local: Why What You Put in Your Brain, Body, Bag and Backyard Matters,” alumni panel (Homecoming – UofL vs. Boston College). Nov. 7 – “Glaciers, Ice Sheets and Climate Change: Implications for the Global Warming Debate” with Keith Mountain, geography and geosciences chair (UofL vs. Syracuse). Nov. 14 – “#FlawlessFeminism: Black Feminisms and the Beyhive” with Kaila Story, Pan-African studies and women’s and gender studies associate professor (UofL vs. Virginia). For more information, contact Lindsey Brown Ronay at 502-852-3252 or lindsey.ronay@louisville.edu