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'Game of Thrones' language inventor to talk Dothraki at UofL
April 4, 2017
Calling “Game of Thrones” fans: Linguist David Peterson, who created the Dothraki language for the HBO series, will talk about “The Art of Language Invention” April 14 at the University of Louisville.
Centennial talk examines America in World War I
March 20, 2017
As the United States marks the centennial of its entry into World War I, the Society for Military History’s president will visit UofL to discuss the American war involvement March 23.
'Revolt of the Brave:' School of Music celebrates Women's History with collaboration
March 14, 2017
The University of Louisville School of Music is collaborating with Frederick Law Olmsted Academy South, the only all-girls public middle school in Kentucky, to present a musical program titled “Because She Did, I Can” March 23.