Axton Reading Series features memoirist, poets, fiction writer
Writer’s Block Festival keynote speaker and “Being Flynn” producer Nick Flynn, former Axton creative-writing fellow Heather Slomski and poet Chelsey Minnis will visit Louisville this fall through the University of Louisville’s Axton Reading Series. September 8, 2014UofL's English department brings in distinguished writers through the Anne and William Axton Reading Series of free literary events. The readings and master classes are open to the public. Here’s the fall reading series schedule, with events on Belknap Campus unless otherwise noted:
Sept. 25-26 – Chelsey Minnis, a poet based in Boulder, Colo., will read from her work at 7:30 p.m. Sept. 25 in Bingham Poetry Room, Ekstrom Library, and lead a two-hour master class at 10 a.m. Sept. 26 in Room 300, Bingham Humanities Building. She wrote the poetry collections “Poemland,” “Bad Bad,” “Foxina” and “Zirconia,” her debut collection which won the 2001 Alberta Prize.
Oct. 30-31 – Heather Slomski, writing instructor at Concordia College and former UofL Axton fellow in fiction, will read from her work at 4 p.m. Oct. 30 in Bingham Poetry Room, Ekstrom Library, and lead a two-hour master class at 10 a.m. Oct. 31 in Room 300, Bingham Humanities Building. Her story collection “The Lovers Set Down Their Spoons” won the 2014 Iowa Short Fiction Award, and last year she received a Minnesota State Artist Initiative Grant and a Minnesota Emerging Writers Grant.
Nov. 15 – Nick Flynn, English professor at University of Houston, will speak at 5 p.m. at UofL’s downtown Cressman Center for Visual Arts, 100 E. Main St.; the Axton series will sponsor his reading for the Louisville Literary Arts’ Writer’s Block Festival. Flynn is a poet, author and playwright whose most recent book “The Reenactments” is about his experience in producing the 2011 film “Being Flynn,” based on his memoir about his parents. Besides his three memoirs, he has published three collections of poems as well as essays and nonfiction works in The New Yorker and Paris Review.
For more information, contact Kiki Petrosino, UofL creative writing director, at 502-852-6817 or or Reagan Sova at