Brown on trade mission in United Kingdom

The head of Nucleus is in the United Kingdom this week, hoping to convince British companies to expand their operations to Louisville. May 14, 2014

Nucleus President and CEO Vickie Yates Brown has joined Gov. Steve Beshear and executives from 10 Kentucky companies on the trade mission to London and Manchester. 

“We’ll be meeting with a number of companies who specialize in lifelong wellness and aging care,” Brown said. “That’s a strong sweet spot for the city of Louisville and Nucleus to promote ourselves as these companies look to expand in the United States.”

Nucleus: Kentucky’s Innovation Center is an arm of the UofL Foundation, overseeing properties, a research park and programs to help Louisville-based start-ups and existing companies. 

Brown says she’s also planning to build relationships with trade and investment officers as well as operators of research parks. One of Nucleus’ clients, Interapt, also has a representative on the trip, which is scheduled for May 11-16.