Coming home: Conference examines veterans’ transitions, services

A Nov. 12 conference at the University of Louisville will focus on improving job opportunities and other services for veterans transitioning back into civilian life. October 15, 2014

The conference, “Employment and Transitions Over the Lifespan: Promoting Veteran Cultural Competence in Service Provision,” will run from 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. at the Brown and Williamson Club, Papa John’s Cardinal Stadium. The event will open with a welcome by Heather French Henry of Louisville, who is commissioner of the Kentucky Department of Veterans Affairs.

            Speakers will include retired military officers Anthony Hassan, co-founder and director, and Carl Castro, research director, University of Southern California’s Center for Innovation and Research on Veterans and Military Families; and Chris Self, a retired Special Forces officer injured in Iraq.

            Afternoon sessions will tackle employment transition, female veterans, housing and health care access.

            The sessions are intended for health, mental health and social services providers whose clients and patients include veterans, military personnel and their families and for potential employers who employ or plan to hire veterans.

            The conference is free but registration is required; seating is limited to the first 200 registrants. Registration includes lunch, and continuing education unit certification is available.

            The University of Louisville’s Kent School of Social Work and the University of Southern California are hosts in collaboration with Veterans Community Alliance of Louisville and the Mayor’s Week of Valor; Prudential is sponsor of the event. Other UofL participants are the Noble H. Kelley Psychological Services Center and the Center for Promoting Recovery and Resilience of Traumatized Children and Youth. 

For more information, contact Riaan van Zyl at 502-852-2430 or at UofL’s Kent School of Social Work.