Community discussion will examine fear, racism
October 14, 2015Louisville ministers and a youth activist will examine how fear contributes to racial perceptions during a University of Louisville forum Oct. 22.
Panelists at the UofL NETWORK discussion of “Fear or Racism?” will focus on how fear can shape perceptions and how people might overcome anxieties and biases.
Speakers will be the Rev. Joe Phelps, Highland Baptist Church pastor; the Rev. Daniel Corrie Shull, Burnett Avenue Baptist Church pastor; and Talesha Wilson, a UofL women’s and gender studies student and activist. Author and former Courier-Journal columnist Betty Winston Baye will be the moderator.
The event and reception will be at the Kentucky Center for African American Heritage, 1701 W. Muhammad Ali Blvd. After the 5:30 p.m. reception, the program will start at 6 p.m.
UofL's College of Arts and Sciences, through its Office for International, Diversity and Engagement Programs, sponsors the UofL NETWORK series. NETWORK is an acronym for New Energy to Work Out Racial Kinks; the program provides a forum for ongoing discussions of community issues with university faculty, business, civic and community leaders.
Reservations and advance payment are required by Oct. 20 for the $25 reception event by contacting Clest Lanier at 502-852-3042
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