Darrell Griffith, Madeline Abramson encouraging Cardinal fans to Dress in Blue Friday

Voice of the Cards Paul Rogers also featured at March 7th “Blue of L Day” March 6, 2014

LOUISVILLE, Ky. – One day each year, Cardinal fans can shed their red for a worthy cause.

Events will feature UofL basketball legend Darrell Griffith, the Voice of the Cards Paul Rogers and Madeline Abramson, honorary chair of Dress in Blue Day for Kentucky and wife of Lt. Gov. Jerry Abramson.

Participants also will see the “Incredible Colon,” a 20-foot long, 10-foot tall, walk-through replica of the human colon that provides images to educate the public about colorectal cancer. A Facebook photo contest is underway throughout March as well.

Events for Dress in Blue Day in Louisville include: