Dec. 4, 2013 Announcements

Announcements included in the Dec. 4, 2013 UofL Today email. December 4, 2013

Campus-Submitted Announcements


1.President’s Holiday Open House

2.UofL Cares Soup/ChiliFest in Grawemeyer Hall

3.Chasing Ice: Film Screening, Dinner and Discussion

Grand Rounds

4.Pediatric Child Psychiatry and Psychology Grand Rounds

5.Medicine Grand Rounds: Atul Chugh

6.Grand Rounds- Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences

7.Cardiovascular Medicine Grand Rounds


8.Green Tip: Got permaculture? Get some with UofL EcoReps

9.Auditions for UofL's ‘Vagina Monologues’


10. Hearing Research Study--$50 Gift Visa card compensation


11. Asia in Focus talk on Chinese Law Reforms

12. Biochemistry seminar

13.Molecular Targets Seminar

14.Microbiology and Immunology Seminar

15. Department of Pharmacology and Toxicology Research Seminar


Campus-Submitted Announcements


1. President’s Holiday Open House

3 p.m. - 5 p.m. Dec. 13, Grawemeyer Hall


President and Mrs. James R. Ramsey cordially invite you to a holiday open house with refreshments and choral music by students from the School of Music. Parking will be available behind the Speed School on Eastern Parkway.

Additional Information: Dillon Miles, 852-7977

2. UofL Cares Soup/ChiliFest in Grawemeyer Hall

11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. Dec. 4, Grawemeyer Hall Rotunda

Support the UofL Cares Campaign! Chili/Soup $3 a bowl, drinks $1, and desserts $1 and up. Everyone is invited to join us for lunch. All proceeds benefit the UofL Cares Campaign.

Additional Information: Lori Fehler, 852-6166

3. Chasing Ice: Film Screening, Dinner and Discussion

5 p.m. - 7 p.m. Dec. 5, Ekstrom Library, Chao Auditorium


UofL's environmental group, GRASS, continues its film series with a dinner, discussion and  screening of the breathtaking documentary “Chasing Ice.” In 2005, acclaimed environmental photographer James Balog went to the Arctic to capture images of the Earth’s changing climate. Balog had been a skeptic about climate change, but the trip opened his eyes to the biggest story in human history and challenged him in ways that put his career and his well-being at risk.

Additional Information: “Chasing Ice” preview. Sustainability events.

Grand Rounds

4. Pediatric Child Psychiatry and Psychology Grand Rounds

11 a.m. - 12:30 p.m. Dec. 4, Bingham Clinic Conference Room


LaQuandra Nesbitt, a board-certified family physician, director of the Louisville Metro Department of Public Health, and an assistant professor at the UofL School of Public Health and Information Sciences in the Department of Health Management and Systems Sciences, will present “The Role of Psychiatry and Behavioral Health in Improving Community Health” for the monthly grand rounds. Bingham Clinic is located on the second floor of Norton Hospital, Health Sciences Campus.

Additional Information: Jan Schoen,852-7548.

5. Medicine Grand Rounds: Atul Chugh

8 a.m. Dec. 5, Ambulatory Care Building, HSC


This week's Medicine Grand Rounds features Atul R. Chugh, MD, MPH, assistant professor of medicine; clinical chief, Jewish Hospital, and director, Advanced Cardiac Imaging and Preventive Cardiology, UofL. Chugh will present “Cardiac Imaging: Adding Mechanistic Insight Into Cardiac Regenerative Therapies,” focusing on understanding the modalities used to investigate cardiac regenerative therapies and evaluating that data to understand their effects.

Additional Information: Jason Puckett, 852-1825

6. Grand Rounds- Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences

11:30 a.m. -- 1p.m. Dec. 5, Ambulatory Care Building Auditorium

Free, public

Laurie K. Ballew, DO, EdD, associate professor, medical director, Norton Hospital 6 East, Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences; and Gordon D. Strauss, MD, professor, director, Student Mental Health Services, Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences will present “ADHD in Adults: College Students, Mid-life, and Later Years.”

Additional Information: Christy Castle-Greenwell, 588-4424 or 813-6664

7. Cardiovascular Medicine Grand Rounds

Noon – 1 p.m. Dec. 4, Rudd Heart and Lung Center, 16th Floor, Great Halls I&II

Please join us as Andrew J. Lenneman, MD, presents “Care of Elderly Patients with Advanced Heart Failure.” Lenneman is assistant professor of medicine at UofL.

Additional Information: Email Deanna Husted or go online.


8. Green Tip: Got permaculture? Get some with UofL EcoReps

2 p.m. - 3 p.m. Dec. 5, Cultural Center


Join us for free food and a hands-on permaculture workshop designed to incorporate the efficiency and balance of natural systems into UofL’s Garden Commons. The Sustainability Council’s EcoReps program aims to move faculty, staff and students from talk to action for a more sustainable UofL. Get trained, help out and get certified as a point-person for sustainability. We want to help you to BE the change.

Additional Information: UofL EcoReps Program. Sustainability Events.

9. Auditions for UofL's ‘Vagina Monologues’

Noon -1:30 p.m. Monday Dec. 9, Floyd Theater, Student Activities Center

7 p.m.-8:30 p.m. Monday Dec. 9, Theater Arts Building, Room 131

7 p.m.-8:30 p.m. Tuesday, Dec. 10, Theater Arts Building, Room 131

Join a global activist movement to end violence against women and girls right in your own community by participating in the unique and empowering “Vagina Monologues” performances this year during UofL’s V-Day week. Auditions will be Dec. 9 and 10. All ages welcome.

Additional Information: PEACC, 852-2663.


10. Hearing Research Study--$50 Gift Visa card compensation


We are looking for adults (age 55+) who think they may have hearing problems for a research project studying people’s willingness to use the internet to learn about hearing loss. We will show you how to use the internet to get hearing healthcare information. An initial screening will determine if you qualify for the study. The entire study will take 3-4 visits, and participants will be given a $50 Visa card. Contact us at 852-3990 or (IRB#13-0503, PI: Jill Preminger).

Additional Information: Email Ann Rothpletz or Jill Preminger.


11. Asia in Focus talk on Chinese Law Reforms

Noon – 1 p.m. Dec. 4, Ford Hall, Room 407


The Center for Asian Democracy’s final Asia in Focus talk for fall 2013 is this Wednesday. “The Promise and Pitfalls of Local Administrative Procedure Reform in China” by Neysun A. Mahboubi, research scholar, Center for the Study of Contemporary China at the University of Pennsylvania. Free pizza.

Additional Information: Center for Asian Democracy, 852-2667. Asia in Focus Speaker Series.

12. Biochemistry seminar

Noon Dec. 4, Homberger Library, HSC-A, Room 614

Saibyasachi (Sabby) Nath Choudhury, BMB grad student, presents “Rbfox RNA-binding Proteins Utilize Conserved RNA Bridges to Regulate a Novel Alternative Splicing Mechanism.”

Additional Information: Janice Ellwanger, 852-6221

13. Molecular Targets Seminar

3:45 p.m. Dec. 5, Room 123, Clinical and Translational Research Building, Health Sciences Center


The Molecular Targets Seminar Series will present “Mechanisms of Lung Cancer Metastasis and CTL Recruitment in Solid Tumors.” Our speaker will be Rajesh Sharma, PhD, assistant professor, Department of Medicine, UofL. This seminar series is funded by the Brown Cancer Center Joan Cralle Day Cancer Research Fund. Refreshments will be served at 3:30 p.m.

Additional Information: Abdullah Yalcin

14. Microbiology and Immunology Seminar

Noon Dec. 5, Room 038, Baxter II, Health Sciences Center

Free, public

The Department of Microbiology and Immunology Seminar Series presents, “Modulation of Human Neutrophil Responses by Monophosphoryl Lipid A, a Low Toxicity TLR4 Agonist,” by Shuvasree Sengupta, PhD candidate, in the lab of Thomas Mitchell, PhD.

Additional Information: Carolyn Burton, 852-6208

15. Department of Pharmacology and Toxicology Research Seminar

Noon Dec. 5, Kosair Charities Clinical and Translational Research Building, Room 123


The Department of Pharmacology and Toxicology presents a research seminar, “Novel Vaccine Platforms to Control Emerging Viral Infections” by Igor Lukashevich, MD, PhD, DSc, professor of pharmacology and toxicology.

Additional Information: Florence Su, 852-6255


Direct questions about UofL Today to the Office of Communications and Marketing, 852-6171.

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