Dental students to spend four weeks at Indian Health Service

This summer about 20 School of Dentistry students will take part in a unique opportunity to grow their clinical skills while also gaining a greater understanding of other cultures. May 12, 2014

They will spend four weeks at Indian Health Service or Tribal Dental Clinics throughout the U.S. to complete their extramural clinical rotations. The Indian Health Service (IHS), an agency within the Department of Health and Human Services, is responsible for providing federal health services to American Indians and Alaska Natives. The provision of health services to members of federally-recognized tribes grew out of the special government-to-government relationship between the federal government and Indian tribes.

The following students will each take part:

  • Harrison Vong, Zachary Gonzales, Rebecca Green and Katherine Copeland will go to Claremore Indian Hospital in Claremore, OK
  • Joshua Freitag, Catherine Kimble, Rachel Harris and Lauren Palmer will go to Cherokee Indian Hospital in Cherokee, NC
  • Joshua Phillips and Jared Stewart will travel to Lumni Tribal Health in Bellingham, WA
  • Ryan Kapp and John Neely will go to Rubin Choctaw Nation Health Clinic in Talihana, OK
  • Katelyn Johnson and Lindsey Elmore will work in the Rubin Choctaw Nation Health Clinic in Poteau, OK
  • Peter Pryor and Elliott Deweese will go to Seneca Nation Health System in Irving, NY
  • Jong Bin Lee and William Chris Winter will work at Wewoka Indian Health Center in Wewoka , OK
  • McKinley Soult and David Geiger will go to Bethel Clinic in Bethel, Alaska