‘Devil’s Highway’author to speak Sept. 24 about ‘Book-in-Common’
Related film directors’ talks also focus on Mexico, immigration September 10, 2009LOUISVILLE, Ky. — Author Luis Alberto Urrea will discuss his book about immigration, “The Devil’s Highway,” Sept. 24 at the University of Louisville, which has adopted the national best-seller as its 2009-10 “Book-in-Common.”
The Mexico native and critically acclaimed novelist, poet and essayist will speak at 6 p.m. in Strickler Hall’s Middleton Auditorium. A book-signing reception will follow the free, public lecture. The universitywide Book-in-Common program is sponsoring the event; co-sponsors are UofL’s Latin American and Latino Studies program, McConnell Center and Cultural Center.
Book-in-Common is a communitywide learning experience for UofL’s campuses. Coordinated by the Office of First Year Initiatives, the program supports new students by connecting participants academically and socially through exploration of issues raised in the selected text. Related activities, such as “Conversation Cafe” discussions, also are planned. Check louisville.edu/firstyear/book-in-common for campus and community event
Among the related activities are fall talks by film directors. They will be:
—Sept. 10, “The Other Side of Immigration,” documentary film and presentation by director Roy Germano, 7:30 p.m., Floyd Theater, Student Activities Center. Student Activities Board and Latin American and Latino studies program are co-sponsors with First Year Initiatives.
—Oct. 15, “Sleep Dealer,” screening of the science fiction film and question-and-answer session afterward with film director Alex Rivera, 5:30 p.m., Auditorium, Speed Art Museum. UofL’s Commonwealth Center for the Humanities and Society is organizer and main sponsor of this event; other sponsors include the Louisville Film Society, Speed Art Museum and Latin American and Latino studies program.