Education expert Richard Arum to talk about undergraduate learning March 30
“Is college too easy?” Recent research by New York University sociology and education professor Richard Arum and his University of Virginia colleague, Josipa Roksa, indicates the answer is “yes.” March 21, 2012Arum will discuss his findings March 30 during a free, public talk titled “Learning during Unsettled Times: College Student Academic Performance and Recent Graduate Experience in the U.S.” 10 a.m. – 11:30 a.m., in the University of Louisville’s Middleton Auditorium, Room 101, Strickler Hall. The talk is co-sponsored by the Delphi Center for Teaching and Learning and the College of Arts and Sciences.
In a study that followed 2,300 students at 24 universities over four years, Arum and Roksa found that three semesters of college barely had a noticeable impact on 36 percent of students’ critical thinking, complex reasoning and writing skills and that today’s students study about half as much as they did in decades past. Their research indicates that low gains in student learning stem from students’ lack of academic focus and the disengagement between students and faculty.
Details of the study are in the 2011 book, “Academically Adrift: Limited Learning on College Campuses.”
In his UofL presentation, Arum is expected to discuss updated research on his previous work, how student’s social background may affect higher education outcomes and how college graduates are faring today despite difficult economic times.
A book signing and reception will follow the talk.
Register for the event online. Parking is available in the Speed Art Museum parking garage, 2035 S. Third St.
Arum’s talk will be streamed live (Mac computer users may need to download software before viewing the live stream).