‘Elect Her—Campus Women Win’ workshop Nov. 12
October 28, 2015“Elect Her—Campus Women Win,” a program that encourages college women to run for student government and political offices, will be held at the University of Louisville Nov. 12.
“Elect Her – Campus Women Win” is 4 p.m. in the Swain Student Activities Center, Multipurpose Room. The event, sponsored by The UofL Women’s Center and the American Association of University Women at UofL, is free and open to the public. High School and college students are encouraged to participate. Dinner will be served.
During the four-hour workshop, featured speakers will discuss women in politics and research about the topic. Participants will also learn skills including networking, developing an elevator speech and more.
Guest speakers will include Ashley Miller, a former candidate for State Representative, the 2013 Ms. Kentucky United States and Miss University of Louisville 2008; Kentucky Sen. Julie Raque Adams; Melissa Richmond, vice president of Running Start; and UofL Student Council and Student Government Association Members.
Registration is open at http://louisville.edu/womenscenter/programs-events/student/elect-her-1.
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