Event May 18 marks renaming of Saturday Academy to honor Blaine Hudson

UofL and community representatives will have a special program May 18 to rename the Saturday Academy community outreach program in honor of the late J. Blaine Hudson. May 14, 2013

A UofL professor and dean of the College of Arts and Sciences, Hudson died in January at age 63.

Between 2006 and 2012, most Saturday mornings found Hudson teaching high school students and adults about Louisville’s black history at the DuValle Education Center in western Louisville. After he spoke, he’d turn the program over to a guest presenter to discuss current topical issues. The May 18 event will follow that same two-part format.

UofL and community representatives will speak at 11 a.m.; at noon journalist-speaker Betty Baye will moderate “Blaine Hudson: Back in the Day — 1969 May,” a conversation with physician Bob Martin, Hudson’s friend and fellow activist from their time together as UofL students. A light meal will follow at 1 p.m. with an open microphone for attendees to share their thoughts about the Saturday Academy and Hudson.

The J. Blaine Hudson Saturday Academy will resume its regular midday September to May schedule this fall under the direction of UofL’s Pan-African studies department, according to Theresa Rajack-Talley, the department chair. Jefferson County Public Schools will continue as a community partner.