Events highlight Shakespeare in Kentucky, world, modern life

September 21, 2016

LOUISVILLE, Ky. — You can take an expert’s classes, check out William Shakespeare’s impact on Kentucky and the world and even listen to the famous Hamlet soliloquy in other languages during free University of Louisville-sponsored events this fall at Louisville Free Public Library.

            The events at the Main Library, 301 York St., are part of the Will in the Ville citywide celebration of all things Shakespeare. UofL, Louisville Free Public Library and the Frazier History Museum are the chief sponsors with more than 45 community partners helping to mark the 400th anniversary of the author’s death. The “First Folio! The Book That Gave Us Shakespeare” exhibition at the Frazier History Museum will run Nov. 10-Dec. 10.

            Here are some featured events:

            Oct. 10-Dec. 10 – “Shakespeare in Kentucky,” original exhibition about the history of Shakespeare and Shakespearean performances in the state, including rarely seen photographs and artifacts from UofL Libraries’ Archives and Special Collections, Kentucky Historical Society, The Filson Historical Society and others. The exhibit is produced in collaboration with UofL’s English, history and geography and geosciences departments and will be open at the library’s Bernheim Gallery during regular hours.

            Oct. 17 – “Shakespeare in the World,” UofL and Sister Cities of Louisville Inc. present short discussions by UofL professors Hristomir Stanev and Matthew Biberman, English, and Janna Segal, theater arts, and readings of Shakepeare’s “To be, or not to be” soliloquy performed in the various languages of Louisville’s sister cities. Event is free but tickets are required by calling 502-574-1644 or ordering at (6-7:30 p.m.)

            Oct. 18, 25, Nov. 1, 8, 15 – “Shakespeare and the Creation of the Modern Era,” UofL English professor Julia Dietrich will teach a five-week, Tuesday-night short course on Shakespeare’s “greatest hits,” their eternal themes and lasting impact on modern language and culture. Course is free, but registration is required by calling 502-574-1623. (6:30 p.m.-8 p.m.)

            The event schedule is at

            For more information, contact Andrew Rabin, UofL, at 502-852-1722 or or Paul Burns, LFPL, at 502-574-1683 or
