Georgette Moore receives 2012 Transformation Tea ‘Unsung Shero’ Award
The Transformation Tea for Women of Color has given Georgette Moore, senior program coordinator in the Office of the President, its 2012 Unsung Shero Award. April 23, 2012The award recognizes a woman of color who is a UofL employee and who has made a significant impact in the lives of women either in the Louisville Metro community or at UofL.
Moore is coordinator for both the Commission on Diversity and Racial Equality (CODRE) and the Commission on the Status of Women (COSW), groups charged with advising the UofL president and provost on diversity and gender equity issues.
“Georgette’s diplomacy, intelligence and sensitivity enable her to manage the diverse personalities of the commissions, and her attention to detail helps her deal with the complexities of handling the business affairs of both groups,” according to an article in the 2010 winter issue of the Women’s Center News.
The article also noted that because the commissions’ leadership changes every other year, Moore provides a sense of stability and much-needed institutional memory to the commissions.
Moore also volunteers at the Summerfield Nursing Home.
The Transformation Tea presented Moore with the award on April 5. The tea also recognized Lelita Williams, custodial services, and Chandra Stroud, Pan-African studies, with certificates of appreciation.
UofL’s Transformation Tea for Women of Color and their allies is an open forum for diverse populations of women to share concerns, issues and positive suggestions.
Past Unsung Shero recipients are Yvonne Jones, associate professor, anthropology (2008), and Yolanda Buford Demaree, assistant to the dean, College of Arts & Sciences (2011).