Get Healthy Now adds new programming to keep New Year’s resolutioners focused

January 26, 2017

January is almost over, but that is certainly no reason to abandon your New Year’s resolutions. UofL’s Get Healthy Now is offering a bevy of new health and wellness opportunities to keep its staff and faculty focused throughout the year.

For example, six new classes have been added, including KORU Mindfulness and Meditation, gentle yoga and yoga and Pilates on the HSC campus. GHN is also now offering small group training, providing members an opportunity to receive instruction from a personal trainer and receive feedback on technique and form.

According to Patricia Benson, AVP for Health, Wellness and Disease Management, GHN relies heavily on feedback from the campus community to add in-demand programming.

“We seek to provide the classes people are most interested in, which drives higher level engagement and participation,” she said.

New Year’s resolutioners typically respond, generating a 10-to-15-percent bump in volume at GHN this time of year. To help those members stay engaged and remain proactive beyond January, GHN switches up its offerings often.

“Doing the same thing over and over can get really boring,” Benson said. “Mentally and physically, switching things up helps keep the body engaged and excited about the next challenge.”

The most popular classes at GHN are Zumba, mindfulness and meditation classes, boot camp, Nia and yoga/Pilates, and InCycle Express. These are not compromised when the schedule is switched up; in fact, iterations are added, such as STRONG by Zumba and Morning of Mindfulness.

Wellness Coaching Certification

In addition to new fitness classes, as of June 2016, the UofL Get Healthy Now Wellness Coaching program is qualified as an Approved Transition Program through the National Consortium for Credentialing Health and Wellness Coaches. This means GHN is approved to certify Program Completion and Practical Skills of Health and Wellness Coaches.

“This designation is extremely important because starting this year, individuals cannot call themselves a Health and Wellness Coach unless they have been assessed by a NCCHWC Approved Transition Program,” Benson said. “Get Healthy Now is on the cutting edge in this area and in providing campus and community members this unique credentialing opportunity.”

Expanded partnership with UofL Physicians

GHN has also expanded its partnership with UofL Physicians to offer more health management programs and service locations to UofL medical plan participants.

Programs include diabetes, COPD, hypertension and hyperlipidemia. There are also programs currently under development, including asthma, congestive heart failure and obesity.

“Employees seeking support to better manage chronic health conditions and minimize out-of-pocket pharmacy costs will find this program to be helpful,” Benson said.

Locations include the GHN Wellness Center to service the Belknap Campus, and the Health Management Services, UofL Physicians Outpatient Center on the HSC Campus.

Outside of the gym

Finally, if working out at a gym isn’t your thing, and if you're not seeking a coaching certification or health management service, GHN has introduced a few other motivational opportunities as part of its comprehensive programming.

  • The Walk and Run Club, for example, launched Jan. 26 and is geared toward those who want to train for Louisville’s Triple Crown/Mini Marathon races, or those who simply want to integrate more steps into their day.
  • Colorful Choices is a six-week virtual challenge created to make it easy for participants to put produce first and make healthy nutrition a daily habit. The class launches in mid-February.
  • Take 20s are offered throughout all three campuses to encourage employees to take a 20-minute break during the day with GHN team members to engage in movement exercises and nutrition and stress management offerings.
  • GHN has teamed up with the American Heart Association for the Healthy Hearts Roadshow, with visits to all three campuses to provide blood pressure screenings, as well as assessments to measure heart health and actionable steps to support cardiovascular wellness.

The Healthy Hearts Roadshow is an example of why Benson is especially optimistic about the year ahead.

“I am most appreciative and excited about the collaborative partnerships with campus and community partners, like the School of Medicine and AHA, who allow us to expand the geographical reach of our workplace wellness offerings,” she said. “Our arms are only so long, but when we wrap them together, united in effort, it is amazing how far we can reach.”

Photo provided by Get Healthy Now.