Health department reviews dining venues; corrections made

March 10, 2016

The Louisville Metro Health Department inspected 19 on-campus dining venues on Monday, March 6.

Fourteeen of the venues received grades of “A”; grades of “C” were issued at five venues. Three venues were cited for improper hand washing procedures (Papa John’s/SAC, Cardinal Burger Company), one was cited for not cooling cooked rice properly (Mein Bowl), and one was cited for lack of hot water. (Sandellas in the Duthie Center, Speed School of Engineering) Sodexo took corrective action at four of the locations immediately and those venues remain open. For the fifth venue cited, the hot water heater at the Duthie Center was replaced, and Sandellas reopened Wednesday, March 9. Sodexo posted the reasons for the grades and the corrective action taken at the sites. The Health Department will revisit the sites within 7 to 10 days. “This continuing pattern is unacceptable. We have conveyed our concerns to top officials at Sodexo,” said Mitchell Payne, senior associate vice president, finance and administration. “Health and safety of our students, faculty and staff is our top priority,” he added. “We will do everything in our power to ensure these issues are addressed.”