News: Health

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Alzheimer's disease the focus of UofL Perlstein Lecture

April 11, 2017

Two nationally-known experts in aging will address Alzheimer’s disease at the 16th annual Irving B. Perlstein Gerontology Lecture, a featured event of the 2017 Optimal Aging Conference.

Dentistry, grad students to join School of Medicine for this year’s Medals4Mettle

April 7, 2017

This year, 87 students in the School of Medicine, and for the first time the School of Dentistry and graduate programs, are scheduled to run the Kentucky Derby Festival miniMarathon or Marathon on Saturday, April 29.

UofL School of Dentistry recognizes National Prosthodontics Awareness Week, April 2-8

April 3, 2017

Tooth loss can lead to poor nutrition and is linked to systemic diseases such as diabetes and coronary heart disease. Missing teeth also affects a person’s psychological well-being and ability to function in the workplace.