News: Health
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Get Healthy Now adds new programming to keep New Year’s resolutioners focused
January 26, 2017
January is almost over, but that is certainly no reason to abandon your New Year’s resolutions. UofL’s Get Healthy Now is offering a bevy of new health and wellness opportunities to keep its staff and faculty focused throughout the year.
News Releases
UofL receives more than $1M in funding to create new lung research program
January 25, 2017
A new research program at the University of Louisville will focus on developing better methods for studying lung inflammation and allow for new research into causes and potential therapies for lung diseases that affect millions of Americans.
Honoring those who live life to the fullest at every age
January 23, 2017
The Institute for Sustainable Health & Optimal Aging at the University of Louisville will again recognize older adults living life to the fullest with the sixth annual Gold Standard Award for Optimal Aging.