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UofL School of Dentistry offers advantages for young patients

July 21, 2016

As children prepare for the start of a new school year, a dental exam should be included on the to-do list. For children entering Kindergarten, Kentucky law requires at least a basic dental screening. 

Personal physician to the Dalai Lama to speak on compassion in medicine at UofL White Coat Ceremony

July 21, 2016

Barry Kerzin, MD, personal physician to the Dalai Lama and founder of the Altruism in Medicine Institute, will address the 156 members of the incoming class of the University of Louisville School of Medicine and guests at the school’s White Coat C

UofL spinal cord injury researchers present latest developments at international conference

July 20, 2016

Last week, researchers in the University of Louisville Department of Neurological Surgery shared their recent developments in therapies for children and adults with neurological conditions at IV STEP, an international conference intended to foster