Holiday Safety tips from Fire Marshal Dwain Archer

University Fire Marshal Dwain Archer reminds people how to be safe. November 30, 2012
  1. To prevent fires and conserve energy before leaving each day or for the holiday vacation, THINK GREEN and remember to unplug, personal space heaters, decorations coffee pots, battery chargers, desk lamps, and other non-essential energy consuming equipment.
  2. Egress hallways and stairs should maintain adequate light to negotiate safe passage at all times.
  3. To avoid fires, electrical power cords should not be extended between door jambs, above acoustics ceiling tiles, or beneath floor carpets.
  4. Do not overload outlets or piggy one extension cord into another.
  5. Inspect electric cords periodically to detect frayed, pinched, or damaged wire or plugs. Damaged outlets should be reported to Physical Plant for repair. Discontinue use of all defective electrical equipment immediately. Avoid laying electrical equipment on wet surfaces to prevent shock hazards.
  6. Please do not decorate more than 25 percent of doors and walls with combustible items.
  7. Avoid wrapping stair banisters with electric lights or decorations that will hamper gaining a firm grip on hand rails and create shock hazards.
  8. Avoid decorating main exit doors and ceilings along hallways.
  9. Do not hang decorations from sprinkler heads, fire extinguishers, or other fire safety equipment.
  10. Use of fog machines are prohibited unless otherwise authorized by the fire marshal.
  11. Decorative or scented candles with wicks intact are prohibited on campus.
  12. The personal use of fireworks is strictly prohibited from use on university property.
  13. Cut Christmas trees, hay bales, straw, and other dried vegetation are not allowed inside university buildings.
  14. Use electrical equipment that bears the Underwriters Laboratory (U.L) or an approved test laboratory label.

If you have questions or comments, please contact Dwain Archer at 852-3473.