HSC campus hosts inaugural Sustainability Week events
November 5, 2019For the first time, UofL's Sustainability Week activities extended to the HSC campus.
Dr. Justin Mog kicked things off with a workshop focused on the challenges of guiding a large institution away from a business-as-usual mindset and toward a thoughtful balance of environmental, social and economic stewardship.
The HSC Green Team coordinated a pumpkin decorating event and bike repair station on the HSC Plaza, as well as two showings of the critically acclaimed documentary, "Paris to Pittsburgh--The Climate for Change is Now." Two other films were featured during the week: "Forks over Knives" and "Current Revolution."
The decorated pumpkins were placed on display at the Gray Street Farmers Market.
Falls City Community Bike Works sponsored a bike repair and training station on the Plaza. Falls City Community Bike Works is a non-profit community bike shop in Louisville with a goal of making bicycling more affordable and widespread.
External Relations and Communication, HSC Campus
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