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UARC volunteer receives state commendation
Charles Castner doesn't remember a time that he didn't have an interest in railroads.
IT invites campus to see recent renovations
Recent changes to Miller Information Technology Center (MITC) have turned what primarily had become an administrative building into a multi-purpose gathering space for students.
20 Minutes: Biologist Lee Dugatkin discusses his forthcoming book on Thomas Jefferson and a giant moose
Biology professor Lee Dugatkin is well known for his research on the evolution of goodness in humans and nonhumans. He has written several books and texts on the subject and has had more than 125 articles published in such journals as Nature, The Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences and The Proceedings of The Royal Society of London. But Dugatkin also is a closet historian. His latest book, titled “Mr. Jefferson and the Giant Moose,” is a tale of both natural history and American history. He recently spoke about his work to UofL Today.