KPPC sustainability engineer to serve as judge at state conference
April 18, 2017Kentucky Pollution Prevention Center Senior Sustainability Engineer Mark Toda will serve as a judge for the Kentucky Technology Student Association State Conference, which is April 24-25 at the Crowne Plaza Louisville Airport Expo Center. Toda and other professionals within the competition areas will judge middle and high school events during the conference.
“Throughout my career, it has been a pleasure to work with students,” Toda said. “I appreciate their energy, desire to contribute, and willingness to learn. The KYTSA Conference is a great opportunity to encourage students and maybe pass along some helpful insights.”
The Technology Student Association is a national organization of students engaged in science, technology, engineering and mathematics. Open to students enrolled in or who have completed technology education courses, TSA’s membership includes more than 233,000 middle and high school students in approximately 2,000 schools spanning 49 states. TSA is supported by educators, parents and business leaders who believe in the need for a technologically literate society. Members learn through competitive events, leadership opportunities and more.
The Kentucky Chapter of TSA (KYTSA) has seen a resurgence this year, with 300-plus more students compared to this time last year.
KPPC is a state-mandated technical assistance resource center established in 1994. The Center is part of the J.B. Speed School of Engineering. KPPC helps Kentucky businesses and industries develop environmentally sustainable, cost-saving solutions for improved energy efficiency.
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