A look back on John McCain's 2009 visit to UofL
August 27, 2018The late Senator John McCain visited the University of Louisville in November 2009, just one year after he was defeated by Barack Obama in the 2008 presidential elections.
According to the UofL News archives, the senator, former naval aviator and prisoner of war provided a reflection of his military service to the campus community, emphasizing the sacrifices of military men and women.
“We must not forget what they did and the debt we owe them,” he said. “America doesn’t depend on the heroism of every citizen. All of us must be grateful for the sacrifices made on our behalf.”
McCain also stressed the importance of serving a cause greater than oneself.
McCain was on campus as a guest of the McConnell Center. Following the talk, he met with McConnell Scholars and attended an invitation-only opening of the Mitch McConnell and Elaine L. Chao Archive.
About 800 people attended the senator’s talk, which remains available online here.
McCain passed away on Saturday, Aug. 25 at the age of 81 after suffering from a malignant brain tumor called glioblastoma.
He will lie in state at the U.S. Capitol, an honor bestowed on only 31 people in 166 years. Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, who helped facilitate McCain's UofL visit, announced the decision of congressional leaders from both parties, calling McCain "a great American patriot, a statesman who put his country first and enriched this institution through many years of service."
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