Louisville Writing Project to honor Congressman Yarmuth

September 7, 2018

LOUISVILLE, Ky. – U.S. Rep. John Yarmuth, D-Louisville, will be awarded the 2018 Louisville Writing Project Patronus Award on Sept. 8 to recognize his leadership supporting literacy instruction.

The award will be presented at 11 a.m. in the University of Louisville Bingham Humanities Building, Room 100. The public is invited to attend the presentation, which is part of the Louisville Writing Project’s fall mini-conference. The Louisville Writing Project, in conjunction with the Kentucky Writing Project and the National Writing Project, supports professional learning of K-12 teachers in the area of writing.

“Congressman Yarmuth has been especially supportive of the work of the National Writing Project throughout his career and has been working hard on bipartisan legislation to develop a nationwide program that will provide every child with extensive literacy support,” said Jean Wolph, director of the Louisville Writing Project. “We want to show him we support his efforts and cheer him on.”

For more information, contact Wolph, an instructor in the middle and secondary education department of the College of Education and Human Development, at 502-852-4544 or jean.wolph@louisville.edu.
