Meet the Professor luncheon talks to showcase wide-ranging interests

Cybercrime and social media, movie heroes and Neanderthals—the College of Arts and Sciences and its Liberal Studies Project luncheon lecture series this fall offers a buffet of topics related to professors’ research and interests. August 26, 2013

Meet the Professor luncheon talks take place the first Thursdays of most months, begining at noon in the University Club. Reservations are required, with $14 payment in cash or check. To reserve a spot, contact Janna Tajibaeva at 502-852-2247 or no later than the Monday before each event.

Here are the fall 2013 semester talks:

Sept. 5 – “The New Top Guns: ‘Zero Dark Thirty,’ ‘Argo’ and the Professional-Managerial Hero,” Tom Byers, English professor and Commonwealth Center for the Humanities and Society director. He will discuss how those recent films’ main characters, drawn from middle management, resemble or differ from the older American movie heroes and what that says about current times.

Oct. 3 – “Digging for Neanderthals,” Jonathan Haws, anthropology professor. He will discuss the shift in prevailing views about the early humans and talk about his research into the replacement of Neanderthals by modern humans on the Iberian Peninsula where Neanderthals lasted several thousand years longer than in the rest of Eurasia. His search for Neanderthals in their last refuge has involved several UofL students who participate in his surveys and excavations.

Nov. 7 – “Cybercrime: An Emerging Phenomenon,” George Higgins, justice administration professor. He will discuss the fight against the wide range of crimes opened up by advances in computer technology including identity theft, computer viruses, online bank-account raids and copyright infringement.

Dec. 5 – “Rise of Digital Disruption: The Benefits and Challenges in Crisis and News Coverage Via Social Media,” Karen Freberg, communication professor. She will talk about how the rapid growth of social media challenges crisis communicators in issuing safety messages quickly and effectively to ensure the best compliance, and she also will discuss future implications.