Mehmed Kantardzic to lecture in Sarajevo about data mining

University of Louisville engineering professor Mehmed Kantardzic will travel to Sarajevo this spring to lecture about data mining and work on research. March 28, 2013

Kantardzic earned a Fulbright specialist grant in information technology to spend May 1–June 11 with the Sarajevo School of Science and Technology in Bosnia-Herzegovina’s capital city. He will give presentations about data-mining trends, participate in research with faculty and graduate students and help prepare new undergraduate and graduate programs for the school’s information systems and computer science departments.

Kantardzic, who earned his engineering and computer science degrees at University of Sarajevo, directs UofL’s data-mining laboratory and is a professor of computer engineering and computer science. He has written textbooks on data mining and its applications and also researches neural networking and biomedical applications.

Fulbright specialist grants for short-term academic collaboration are administered by the Institute of International Education’s Council for International Exchange of Scholars. The Fulbright program is sponsored by the U.S. Department of State’s Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs.