NETWORK talk examines race in films
Author-film critic Frederick Gooding will talk about racial character types and patterns in mainstream Hollywood movies Feb. 26 during a UofL luncheon discussion series on diversity and social justice issues. February 15, 2013Gooding’s talk — “You Mean There’s Race in My Movie?” — will begin at noon in the Cressman Center for Visual Arts, downtown at First and Main streets.
Reservations are required by Feb. 21 for the $10 luncheon event; parking is included with registration. Register online.
Gooding is author of the 2007 book “You Mean There’s Race in My Movie?: The Complete Guide to Understanding Race in Mainstream Hollywood” and owner-lead presenter of The Minority Reporter, a company that offers diversity training and analysis of media treatment of race.
The College of Arts and Sciences, through its Office for International, Diversity and Outreach Programs, sponsors the UofL NETWORK luncheon series. NETWORK is an acronym for New Energy to Work Out Racial Kinks.