New exhibit shows pictorial popular history of Mexican wars
On Thursday, Oct. 3, Hite Art Institute visiting scholar Elín Luque Agraz will open “La otra historia, exvotos mexicanos,” an exhibit of pictorial votive offerings dating from the 17th-century to the present day that provide a popular record of the Independence wars and the Mexican Revolution. September 30, 2013Luque Agraz will give an opening-day lecture at 4 p.m. in Gallery X, Schneider Hall on Belknap Campus.
On Oct. 2, the art historian will lead an exvotos building workshop at noon in Room 300 of Bingham Humanities Building. For more information on the workshop email Manuel F. Medina. That night at 7, she’ll give a lecture in Spanish in Chao Auditorium, Ekstrom Library.
“La otra historia, exvotos mexicanos” represents 20 years of academic research and includes work from the Museum of the Basilica of Guadalupe. Sponsors are the Centro de Cultura Casa Lamm, Department of Classical and Modern Languages, College of Arts and Sciences, Spanish Section.
The exhibit will run through Sunday, Nov. 10. Gallery X hours are Monday ‒ Friday, 9 a.m. – 4:30 pm; Saturday 10 a.m. ‒ 2 p.m. and Sunday, 1 p.m. ‒ 5 p.m.