New president to lead UofL spring Commencement ceremonies May 13
May 8, 2023UofL President Kim Schatzel will preside over her first University of Louisville Commencement in two May 2023 ceremonies at 10 a.m. and 3 p.m. Saturday, May 13, at the downtown KFC Yum! Center.
Of the approximately 3,650 students who applied for degrees and certificates, more than 2,000 have indicated they will take part in the ceremonies, the first to be held during UofL’s yearlong celebration of its 225th anniversary. Commencement ceremonies also will be held in December.
Student speakers are Thomas Hulse from the College of Arts & Sciences (morning ceremony) and Anna Hylen from the College of Business (afternoon ceremony).
Hulse, who will pursue a Ph.D. in applied physics at Rice University after graduation, will earn a bachelor of science in physics and a bachelor of arts in political science with minors in mathematics and German. Hylen will earn a bachelor of arts in economics with a minor in Arabic. She will work at an organization that connects youth to service opportunities across the country, then plans to live abroad to continue learning language through immersive experiences.
The ceremony will be broadcast live at Follow #UofLGrads2023 on social media.
In addition, the UofL Graduate School will host a doctoral hooding and graduation ceremony for approximately 70 graduates at 2 p.m. Friday, May 12, on Belknap Campus in the Swain Student Activities Center (SAC) Ballroom, second floor.
Earlier on May 12, UofL’s U.S. Army ROTC cadre, Cardinal Battalion, will hold a commissioning ceremony, also in the SAC Ballroom. Fourteen cadets will be commissioned as second lieutenants in the U.S. Army at the 9 a.m. event.
UofL’s Air Force ROTC Detachment 295 will hold its commissioning ceremony at noon, May 12, at the Kentucky Derby Museum. Seven cadets will be commissioned as second lieutenants in the U.S. Air Force.
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