OCM announces 2012 brand refresh
The Office of Communications and Marketing has completed a new brand graphics policy and updated the university’s brand design. March 8, 2012The brand graphics policy, last refreshed in 2008, defines the “look and feel” of UofL through guidelines for such graphic depiction of UofL as marketing, advertising, signage, business cards, stationery and websites.
The 2012 updates mature the foundation of the 2008 platform by refining graphic elements and adding key allowances found to be missing from the previous iteration. Among the noteworthy changes:
- Branded free templates for general use (PowerPoint, Word, Excel)
- Redesigned business cards and stationery
- Addition of a script font to approved list of typefaces
- Addition of a one line logo (which existed before 2008)
- Addition of a second configuration option for colleges, school and centers with approved secondary logos
- Addition of defined web and video standards
- Change of rules for secondary logo iconography
- Updates to photographic style, changes to uses of “the red stripe”
Besides refining the brand and updating the brand graphics policy, OCM also remastered all UofL logos and has issued them in a wide array of color configurations and file formats.
OCM asks everyone who has and uses UofL logos to discard previous versions and to download new versions. Web or screen versions are at louisville.edu/ocm/resources/logos/. Email branding@louisville.edu for high resolution print versions.
For more information you can read the Brand Graphics Policy online or sign up for an upcoming OCMu presentation on the brand changes.