Oct. 26-27 events envision future of fair housing in Louisville
October 14, 2015Two October forums featuring University of Louisville professors and community housing leaders will look at the impact of recent rulings, policies and initiatives on fair housing in Louisville.
“Opening the Door to the Future of Fair Housing” panel discussions will be 4:15-6 p.m. Oct. 26 in Room 175, UofL’s Brandeis School of Law, and 5:30-7:30 p.m. Oct. 27 in the Centennial Room, Louisville Free Public Library Main Branch.
The free, public discussions are organized by the Anne Braden Institute for Social Justice Research in UofL’s College of Arts and Sciences, the UofL Brandeis School of Law and the Metropolitan Housing Coalition. Speakers will discuss a recent Supreme Court ruling in a fair-housing case, new federal requirements and local policy efforts affecting housing.
The Oct. 26 panelists at UofL will be Tony Arnold, Brandeis School of Law; Matthew Ruther, UofL’s Kentucky State Data Center; Cathy Hinko, Metropolitan Housing Coalition; and Carolyn Miller-Cooper, Louisville Metro Human Relations Commission; with Christie McCravy, Louisville Urban League, as moderator.
The Oct. 27 panelists at the Louisville library will be Lauren Heberle, UofL Center for Environmental Policy and Management; Cathy Hinko, Metropolitan Housing Coalition; Shelton McElroy, Louisville Affordable Housing Trust Fund; and Carolyn Miller-Cooper, Louisville Metro Human Relations Commission; with Kevin Dunlap, Louisville NAACP, as moderator.
For more information, contact Nia Holt at the Anne Braden Institute, 502-852-6142 or njholt01@louisville.edu.
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