A&S offers Inclusion and Equity Week

The UofL College of Arts and Sciences Inclusion and Equity Internship Program will host its annual Inclusion & Equity Week Feb. 25 – March 1. February 18, 2013

This year’s sessions will include the following.

Feb. 25, noon–2 p.m. Chao Auditorium, Ekstrom Library.
Unsung Champions Wax Museum —Inclusion and equity interns and guests will showcase past and present unsung champions committed to the fight for social justice. Among them are J. Blaine Hudson, Anne Braden, Marlee Matin, Harry Belafonte, Cesar Chavez, Ella Baker, Mumia Abu Jamal, Chief Joseph Hinmton Yalktit, Shirley Chisholm, Louis Brandeis and Sr. Helen Prejun.


Feb. 26, 4–6 p.m. Chao Auditorium, Ekstrom Library.
“You Mean there’s Race in My Movies?” — Guest presenter Frederick Gooding will draw attention to the ways mainstream movies use many larger-than-life elements to advance plots and suspend disbelief. Through a witty and engaging examination of Hollywood movies in our culture, Gooding will note the formulaic nature of these movies and how they dictate specific character patterns when it comes to race. In the process, he will challenge the audience to think of the reasons behind creating the proliferation of common racial character patterns or archetypes.

Feb. 27, noon–2 p.m. Room 139, Shumaker Research Building.
UofL Diversity Revisited: A Look into the Future —Inclusion and equity interns will discuss diversity and various initiatives at UofL. What programs already are in place and what is needed to advance and improve inclusion and equity on campus?

Feb. 28, 11 a.m.–1 p.m., Red Barn.
The Real Game of Life — This interactive game simulates privilege.

March 1, noon–2 p.m., Room 254, Ekstrom Library.
Intent vs Impact — Have you ever been afraid of saying the wrong thing and decided not to say anything at all? Has something ever come out of your mouth that you wish you could take back immediately? It is actually very common for people who mean well to inadvertently cause harm and never know they have done so. This session will provide insights and information on how to transform many of the conversations people have around issues of diversity, inclusion and equity. Inclusion and equity interns will offer practical ways to quickly transform the quality and effectiveness of personal interactions and minimize offending others.