Pan-African studies department to celebrate 40 years

UofL’s Pan-African studies department is turning 40 and will throw a free, public anniversary party Sept. 5. August 27, 2013

During the anniversary kickoff at 5:30 p.m. in Ekstrom Library’s Chao Auditorium, the department will pay tribute to five current and former faculty members as inaugural inductees into its PAS Hall of Fame.

Honorees will be the late UofL Dean J. Blaine Hudson, the late professor emeritus Jan Carew, fine arts and PAS professor emeritus Robert Douglas, history and PAS professor emeritus Susan Herlin and anthropology and PAS professor Yvonne Jones.

State Sen. Gerald Neal and the Rev. Kevin Cosby, a UofL Board of Trustees member, are among the scheduled speakers. Refreshments will be served.

The PAS department fosters the multidisciplinary study of the societies and cultures of Africa and people of African ancestry throughout the world. The department offers doctoral, master’s and undergraduate degrees in Pan-African studies.