Pharmacology employee wins heart walk competition

Congratulations to Sharon Carpenter in the Department of Pharmacology, who has won two tickets to this Sunday’s UofL/UK football game by having the highest team financial commitment in support of the 2012 Heart Walk as of Aug. 17. To date, Sharon’s team has raised $1,249.00! August 29, 2012

We are just over three weeks away from the Sept. 22 2012 American Heart Association Heart Walk, and we are looking to hit the TRIFECTA.

GOAL ONE- Secure 40 Team Captains—ACHIEVED

To date: UofL has secured 46 Team Captains- WAY TO GO!!

GOAL TWO- Secure 400 Walkers—

To date: UofL has secured 144 Walkers

We need 256 Walkers to achieve this goal!!!

If each Team Captain recruits 15 Walkers, we will SURPASS THIS GOAL!

GOAL THREE- HIT campus goal of $35,000—we have currently raised $10,812.00

We are out of the starting gates and headed on the fast track to success!!!!!! Keep up the great work, making the ask!

As part of our final campus incentive, we will award two tickets to the UofL/UK basketball game to the individual who raises the most money overall.

Thank you and good luck!!


David L. Dunn, M.D., Ph.D.

Honorary Chair, UofL 2012 Heart Walk Campaign

Executive Vice President for Health Affairs

University of Louisville