PJCS to be drug toss site Saturday
Just about everyone has expired prescription or over-the-counter medication in their homes and just about everyone wonders how to dispose of it properly. May 14, 2013People who want to dispose of medication can bring it to Papa John’s Cardinal Stadium May 18, 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. for appropriate disposal. Louisville Metro Police will be on hand to take the medications and recycle the containers.
Drug toss guidelines:
- Bring expired or unused medications, bulk of loose tablets and capsules, medications that should have been kept cold but were not
- Black out all personal information on all medication containers
The drug toss is for individuals and families and not for clinics, medical offices or pharmacies.
UofL’s Building Resiliency in Campus Community (BRICC) Coalition is partnering with the Center for Neighborhoods’ PAL Coalition, LMPD and Kentucky Harvest to provide the drug toss. Here’s why:
- Flushing the medicine or pouring it down the drain contaminates the water system and the environment, harming fish and other aquatic wildlife;
- Unused medicine lying around the home can create dangerous opportunities for prescription drug abuse or accidental poisonings, especially among the elderly, very young and pets;
- Medications thrown into garbage cans can easily be stolen by someone who could then sell or use the drugs;
- The drug toss is a safe, free, easy way to properly dispose of unwanted or expired medication.
Besides Papa John’s Cardinal Stadium, people also can take their medications to Iroquois High School.