‘Public Art and the City’ is focus of April 13 event
A University of Louisville conference April 13, “Public Art and the City 2012,” will examine the history and recent conservation of Auguste Rodin’s The Thinker sculpture on campus as well as provide practical advice for working artists, students and organizers. April 2, 2012The symposium, organized by UofL’s Center for Arts and Culture Partnerships, is supported by the Kentucky Arts Council, UofL’s Liberal Studies Project and Hite Art Institute’s Morgan Program.
Sessions will be in Ekstrom Library’s Chao Auditorium except for a University Club luncheon keynote talk on “Growing Successful Public Art Initiatives” by Renee Piechocki, Pittsburgh’s city public art director. The conference will run from 8:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. April 13.
The morning discussion, “Rodin’s Thinker Then and Now,” will feature curator Bernard Barryte, UofL fine arts associate professor Christopher Fulton and chemistry professor Dick Wittebort, Thinker conservator Shelley Reisman Paine and laser metrics engineer Bill Mongon.
Afternoon breakout sessions will offer “how to” tips for issues such as securing public commissions, funding public art projects and attracting people to art. The final session will discuss recent art projects in Owensboro, Frankfort and Columbus, Ohio.
Also included in this year’s conference is an April 12 evening showcase in Schneider Hall for university students to present papers about public art and also for individual portfolio reviews by professionals for students and other artists seeking commissions in public art.
Symposium registration is $25 for the general public and includes breakfast and lunch April 13. Registration is encouraged by April 6 as seating is limited; university students may attend for free if they register by April 6. To register, email Janna Tajibaeva, call 502-852-2247 or check online.