Ramsey bestows 2015 Presidential Medals
UofL President James Ramsey awarded the 2015 Presidential Medals to the Jewish Heritage Fund for Excellence and Ed Glasscock at a ceremony June 9 at Amelia Place. June 18, 2015The medals recognize organizations and individuals for significantly advancing the mission of the university. The individuals cannot be UofL graduates. This year marked the seventh consecutive year the medals were awarded.
The Jewish Heritage Fund is a grant-making organization that supports medical research and education and has a long-running history with UofL. Most recently, the fund created an endowed Judaic Studies Chair; has funded the heart research of Roberto Bolli, MD, chief of the division of cardiovascular medicine in the department of medicine and director of UofL’s Institute for Molecular Cardiology; and has given ongoing support to the Cardiovascular Innovation Institute.
Glasscock, a University of Kentucky graduate, is a longtime UofL supporter who Ramsey called “an adopted alumni of UofL.” Glasscock chaired the fundraising campaign that led to the merger of the Louisville-Jefferson County government; was chair of Greater Louisville, Inc., which he helped create; and was managing partner of Frost, Brown, Todd, LLC.
Past recipients of the medals have included Sandy Metts Snowden, the WHAS Crusade for Children, Sam Swope, Henry Heuser, Kosair Charities, Gheens Foundation Inc. and the James Graham Brown Foundation.