A&S renovates auditoriums and classrooms

October 2, 2015

This summer, UofL's central administration and Arts and Sciences Dean Kimberly Kempf-Leonard combined funding to renovate nine auditoriums, one classroom and the Davidson lobby and Strickler hallway.

With a budget of $1.5 million, seating and flooring were replaced, electrical was updated and everything got a fresh coat of paint. Seven of the largest A&S lecture halls, which hadn't been updated in earnest since 2001, were furnished with technology updates that make the rooms capable of supporting digital media in full high-definition, along with audio systems that deliver crisp, clean sound. Tabletop, swing arm seating that allows students to use books, notepads and laptops replaced small, outdated table-arm desks. Areas also now include 120v and USB power outlets. A&S Facilities Manager Rick Taylor oversaw the renovations, the majority of which were completed by UofL's Physical Plant. For more details and photos, click here.