NULL October 24, 2002

LOUISVILLE, Ky. - For the seventh year in a row, Louisville's top life sciences researchers will showcase their work during the weeklong Research!Louisville event. With more than 20 events involving more than 100 researchers over five days, Research!Louisville allows the world to peer into the laboratories where the roads to medical breakthroughs begin.

The partners of the Louisville Medical Center -- University of Louisville Health Sciences Center, Jewish Hospital Foundation, Norton Healthcare, and University of Louisville Hospital -- will join forces to showcase medical research at all stages along the road to clinical fruition. From Monday, Oct. 28, through Friday, Nov. 1, researchers will offer updates on topics ranging from protecting the heart from heart attack damage, research and treatment of multiple sclerosis, current and future cancer therapies, and birth defects prevention and research.

Programs throughout the week will feature several of Louisville's internationally renowned scientists, including Drs. Roberto Bolli, Suzanne Ildstad, Scott Whittemore and Donald Miller - all supported by Kentucky's Research Challenge Trust Fund (commonly known as "Bucks for Brains).

In addition to Louisville physicians, engineers and researchers, two national guests will join the lineup. Dr. Jane Henney, medical oncologist and former commissioner of food and drugs in the Food and Drug Administration, will speak at a cancer mini-symposium Thursday morning, Oct. 31, and will offer the Research!Louisville keynote address at midday.

Dr. Gregory Stock, director of the Program on Medicine, Technology and Society at UCLA, will speak Tuesday, Oct. 29, at two events geared toward the budding Louisville-based biomedical industry.

"This is one of the most ambitious programs we've put together," said John Barker, chair of the Research!Louisville committee. "We have an amazing variety of research excellence to showcase this year."

The entire Research!Louisville schedule is available by calling (502) 852-2647 or online at