Riehm award nominations due March 31

Nominations will be accepted through March 31 for the 2015 Joan Riehm Memorial Environmental Leadership Award, which recognizes a person or group that has led environmental sustainability efforts in the community. February 6, 2015

The award is presented each April, on or about Earth Day. Recipients receive a plaque and $500 cash prize.

Nominees may be public service employees, volunteers or students at one of the four Partnership for a Green City members–University of Louisville, Louisville Metro Government, Jefferson County Public Schools and Jefferson Community and Technical College and Louisville Metro Government–or for a quasi-governmental agency such as Louisville Regional Airport Authority, Louisville Water Co., Metropolitan Sewer District or Transit Authority of River City.

Self-nomination is not permitted, said partnership director Brent Fryrear. Electronic nominations in Word or portable document file (.pdf) are preferred and may include supporting documentation such as a resume, letters of support, photographs and news clippings.

Riehm, a lifelong advocate for environmental issues, was Louisville’s deputy mayor from 1986 to 1996 and a former reporter and editor at The Courier-Journal. She helped create Partnership for a Green City.

Last year’s Riehm Award winner was Cane Run Elementary School teacher Darleen Horton, who led the creation of an environmental park and outdoor classroom at the school.

For more details, see http://www.jefferson.kyschools.us/projects/greencity/RiehmAward.html