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The greatest two minutes in astronomy: Find out why the 2017 solar eclipse is a big deal

May 11, 2017

The sky darkens in the middle of the day. The birds stop singing. Insects get quiet. A pearly white corona emanates from the dark circle that covers the sun. Planets and stars become visible in the sky.

UofL researchers examining ethical issues surrounding biorepositories

May 10, 2017

Who owns your blood once you give permission to use it for research? That is the bioethical question a UofL researcher is working on with the help of a 3-year grant from the National Human Genome Institute.

Grawemeyer Award recipients: Inspiration, innovation and action for a better world

May 4, 2017

“We’re going to engage you in a discussion of a political, controversial issue,” said Paula McAvoy to the nearly 30 Central High School students assembled in the school library.