News: Science & Tech

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Goldwater scholar moved from ‘fixing things’ to unlocking secrets of the universe

April 13, 2016

As a youngster, UofL junior Conrad Smart spent a lot of time helping his father, Eric Smart, build and fix things. That early training helped the youngster cultivate an aptitude for problem solving and physics - a foundation that recently helped him

UofL named NSF site for student researchers

April 8, 2016

Eight students from other college campuses will be spending this summer at the University of Louisville, doing research and learning about UofL’s Micro/Nanotechnology facilities and programs.

Beer with a Scientist: Will GMO crops doom the planet or save it?

April 4, 2016

You may have heard about genetically modified organisms (GMOs) along with predictions of dire consequences for the planet or claims the technology is necessary to feed the Earth’s growing population.