News: Science & Tech
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UofL Engineering students spend co-ops working on COVID-19 projects
July 15, 2020
Shah Tarun, a Biomedical Engineering student in the Speed School of Engineering, and Dustin Williams, who is in his second year of the Chemical Engineering program, spent their spring semester co-ops working on a very timely issue.
UofL researchers developing method to convert carbon dioxide to usable products
June 29, 2020
Scientists at the University of Louisville received new support for developing a method to sustainably sequester and convert carbon dioxide to valuable products.
Phase I results of UofL Health's Co-Immunity Project show precautions work to prevent spread of coronavirus
June 19, 2020
Results from the first phase of the University of Louisville’s groundbreaking project to track COVID-19 in Metro Louisville show that precautionary measures to prevent transmission worked in preventing the disease’s transmission among health care