‘Solo Command Performances’ to take the stage at UofL

NULL April 13, 2011

LOUISVILLE, Ky. — A production of the University of Louisville’s Theatre Arts Department will feature original short plays by master’s of fine arts students in a free, public performance April 27.

In “Solo Command Performances” each student will star in a 14-minute vignette in various genres, including comedy, tragedy and folk tales, beginning 7 p.m., April 27, at the Thrust Theatre, 2314 S. Floyd St.

Play titles range from “Mormon in 15 Minutes or Less” and “Cleaning up the B(lack) S(tereotypes)” to “Three Girls and a Guy” and “The Three Labors of Anansi the Spider.”

James Tompkins, a theater professor who teaches the class, said that some of the play content “may be a bit edgy so audiences should be prepared to be a bit shocked as well as entertained.”

In one of the plays, “Emoto-Class,” Beth Tantanella performs as “Sugar,” an exercise instructor who leads her class through fast-paced emotional highs and lows choreographed with her exercises.

Tantanella plans to act professionally after graduation. She is one of nine students who will present their works, part of the three-year program at UofL that prepares students for careers in acting, arts management and education and related fields.

Tompkins, who has taught in leading theater schools and performed in companies around the world and in the U.S., said the UofL program is unique as UofL is only college in Kentucky to offer a master's in fine arts in acting.

The performance is free, one night only, seating is first come, first served. For general information, call 502-852-6814.